If you need glasses or contacts to correct your vision, you know how essential corrective lenses are. They give you the clear vision you need for your job, driving a car, and activities like reading or watching TV.
At the same time, relying on glasses or contacts all the time has drawbacks. Whether you’re frustrated by how glasses look in selfies or you’re tired of filling your carry-on luggage with contact lens supplies, LASIK vision correction can help.
LASIK is a safe, effective way to get excellent vision correction without the hassles of glasses and contacts!
What Are the Benefits of LASIK?
LASIK gives you more than just clear, sharp vision correction. The procedure can boost your self-esteem, give you the confidence to try activities, and save you money over the long term.
No More Glasses or Contacts

LASIK is known for its excellent track record of success. Over 90% of those who have had LASIK are highly satisfied with their results. Most people have vision between 20/40 and 20/20 after LASIK, without glasses or contacts.
That means you won’t need to wear corrective lenses for activities like driving, watching TV, exercising, or going swimming. Some people may still need to wear glasses for certain activities, but overall, your dependence on glasses or contacts can be greatly reduced.
Clearer Vision
Not only does LASIK reduce or eliminate the need for glasses and contacts, but the vision correction it provides can be better than what you get from corrective lenses. LASIK doesn’t have the drawbacks that glasses or contacts have.
You don’t have to contend with smudged glasses or dry, gritty contacts that affect your vision. No more glasses fogging up when you come in from the cold.
LASIK is less likely than glasses or contacts to cause halo effects when you look at streetlights or traffic lights. Your vision will be consistently crisp and clear, no matter the lighting or the weather.
Freedom to Try New Things
Glasses and contacts are always a consideration when you’re planning activities. They can be an obstacle to doing some things, particularly outdoor activities.
Watersports are complicated if you can’t wear glasses or contacts while doing them. Going camping is challenging if you aren’t sure you’ll be able to adequately clean your hands in order to safely put in your contacts.
Contacts and contact lens supplies can take up a lot of space in your luggage when traveling. Getting LASIK means you can enjoy all sorts of activities without worrying about caring for glasses and contacts.
Better Self Confidence

It’s always frustrating to be on a video call and realize the light was reflecting off your glasses and hiding your eyes. And taking cute selfies in glasses can mean twisting your head in every direction to get the right angle to prevent shadows across your face.
LASIK frees you from the hassles and distractions of trying to present your best face from behind glasses. You’ll be more confident in photos, video conferences, and job interviews.
Saving Money
Glasses and contacts are expensive. You may have to pay a couple hundred dollars for a new pair of glasses. Contacts can cost as much as a grand per year.
Over the course of your lifetime, you could be spending tens of thousands of dollars on vision correction. LASIK is permanent, so you won’t need to have repeat procedures to maintain results.
The cost of LASIK is a one-time investment that will reduce or eliminate your annual costs for glasses or contacts in the future.
Who Is a Good Candidate for LASIK?
LASIK can be a great option for people who are over 18 and haven’t had any changes to their prescription for at least 12 months. It’s also important that you are in good overall health without a history of eye disease.
If your prescription doesn’t fit within the parameters or you have thin corneal tissue, you may need to consider a different laser vision correction procedure, such as PRK or RLE. Your eye doctor can discuss your options with you.
What to Expect With LASIK
LASIK is an outpatient procedure that your eye doctor can complete in under an hour. You will be able to go home shortly after it’s finished, though you won’t be able to drive yourself.
Make sure to arrange for a trusted friend or loved one on the day of the procedure to give you a ride home. There is no need for general anesthesia since LASIK is such a short and comfortable procedure.
Your eye doctor will use numbing eye drops to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. During the procedure, your eye doctor will create a small flap in the tissue on the surface of your eye.
That allows them to reach the inner layers of the cornea and make precise adjustments that reshape the corneal tissue. After reshaping the cornea, they will replace the flap, which can heal without stitches or bandages. After this, they will repeat the process on the other eye. The entire LASIK procedure takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.

You may feel mild discomfort in the first few days after LASIK, but recovery is usually uncomplicated. You’ll need to refrain from strenuous activities for a few weeks and use medicated eye drops to prevent infection.
Your eye doctor will tell you when you can return to activities like work and driving. You may notice improvements to your vision right after your LASIK procedure.
Your vision will gradually continue to improve, and full results will be achieved within a few weeks to months.
Are yon interested in learning more about LASIK Eye Surgery in Austin, TX? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Dell Laser Consultants.