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Refractive Lens Exchange

Refractive Lens Exchange  to treat Presbyopia in Austin

Some patients who have not yet developed cataracts are interested in surgery to eliminate glasses for distance, intermediate and near vision. Their inability to read up close is called presbyopia. In many cases, the best way to treat this is to “prematurely” remove the lens in their eyes that will eventually become a cataract, and replace it with an intraocular lens. The intraocular lens has the ability to see at distance, intermediate and near without the need for glasses. This procedure is called Refractive Lens Exchange, and it is generally reserved for patients over the age of 40.

Refractive Lens Exchange is in essentially identical to cataract surgery; however, since it is performed on individuals who have not yet developed a significant cataract, it is referred to by a different name than “cataract surgery”. During our evaluation of your eyes, we can determine if this option is appropriate for you.


This type of surgery can restore the traditional range of vision we are used to without the regular use of glasses or contact lenses. This can mean being able to see clearly across the room, at an intermediate distance like a computer screen, and even up close to read a novel, all without having to reach for reading glasses. If you would like to gain your freedom from glasses, contacts, or readers, call us for a consultation to determine if you are a candidate.

Patients who have even a small degree of cataract formation may actually benefit from having their cataracts removed as a method of eliminating their glasses prescriptions. The reason for this is that at the time of cataract removal, an implant lens can be placed which has the prescription power necessary to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses. During our evaluation of your eyes, we can determine if this option is appropriate for you.

In 2001, Dr. Dell performed a series of operations using special intraocular lenses that could focus both at distance and near. This FDA-sponsored clinical research led to full FDA approval of the first of these lenses in 2003. At Dell Laser Consultants we refer to these special implant lenses as Full Focus® intraocular lenses.

Dr. Dell has personally trained hundreds of U.S. surgeons certified to use these advanced Full Focus® implant lenses, and he has lectured around the world on their use. Today, there are several varieties of these advanced intraocular lenses including the Tecnis Multifocal, Symfony, ReStor, Crystalens, Trulign, and others. We now have implant lenses that can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Our doctors will assess the best technology available for your eyes and make a specific recommendation for the best Full Focus® technology to achieve your visual goals. 

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Our State of the Art Facility

Our eye surgery facility located at 901 Mopac Expressway South, Barton Oaks Plaza 4, Suite #350 in Austin, TX, is "first class" in every respect. Our laser treatment suites and examination rooms are stocked with a full array of the most up to date equipment and our staff is continually available, friendly, and helpful. If you are seeking an Austin provider that will take the time to find the best vision correction procedure for you and meticulously prepare for your surgery then we are the eye doctors for you.

Contact us today by calling 512-347-0255 for a free no-obligation laser vision correction screening or to schedule a comprehensive consultation.

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