Dr. Dell’s expertise will again be showcased at the American Academy of Refractive and Cataract Surgeons.
He will provide several hours of lecturing and educations to the largest gathering of refractive surgeons in the country. He will be educating them on the latest advancements and techniques available in LASIK and cataract surgery.
Lectures Include the following:
Limbal Relaxing Incisions/Peripheral
Corneal Relaxing Incisions
04/21/2012 STS2 MPW
Femtosecond Laser
04/22/2012 2-N MPW
Controversies in Refractive Surgery
04/23/2012 23-305 MPW
Symposium X-Rounds: Refractive Cataract
Surgery to the Max
04/24/2012 S-16 MPW